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About LACG

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Los Angeles Consulting Group (LACG) is a global business development advisory firm specializing in serving family offices, affluent individuals, closely held operating businesses, philanthropic foundations, and high-level service providers in the private capital markets.


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Los Angeles Consulting Group, originally known as Tepley Consultants, was founded by Kathleen Tepley in 1980 as a business development practice. With the growing number of clients and business relationships under the firm's management, Kathleen pushed for the incorporation of the company in 2010. Since her practice is in Los Angeles, she coined Los Angeles Consulting Group as the firm's incorporated business name.


We are your relationship builder and keeper in the family office, investor, and business professional community!

We recognize the challenges and opportunities that arise within the private capital markets. By tapping our established network, we take a proactive approach by offering guidance and facilitating strategic introductions to relevant business partners.


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Create Value

Focus on creating value for clients by understanding their unique needs and delivering tailored solutions.

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Grow Relationships

Build and nurture long-term relationships based on trust, mutual respect, and consistent value delivery.

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Solve Problems

Proactively identify and address challenges that clients face, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth.

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Innovate and Adapt

Embrace innovation and adaptability to stay ahead of industry trends and deliver cutting-edge solutions.

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Scale and Optimize

Continuously measure the effectiveness of your strategies and initiatives, and seek opportunities for improvement.

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  • Real Estate Investment Firms

  • Single Family Offices

  • Multi-family Offices

  • Family Office Advisors & Executives

  • CEOs

  • Accounting Firms

  • Business Management

  • Lawyers

  • PR Firms

  • Wealth Management

  • Recruitment Firms

  • Consulting

  • Membership Associations

  • Venture Capital

  • Private Equity

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